Sunday, November 16, 2008

Community Life

I am involved with various people and live now. The place where I live of now are the university, my house and the workplace. At each place, I get to know with many people and live together. The human relations are serious things. However, the people whom I am concerned with are very good people.

For example, I spend most with a friend at school. They are cool very much!! There are few friends who can be close to me without the same subject at a university, but there is the place that we can be involved with many people without a class by the school life. It is a club. I can make friends with the people who cannot get to know at the normal in the club while I spend a university life. Especially, It is good that I can associate with not only the classmate but also younger and older persons in the circle. In the circle, I can learn human relations and, top and bottom relations. All are close and live happily.

I comparatively have few neighborhood acquaintance. I can be involved with a lot of people if I want to be concerned, but am very particular. And I am involved with a lot of people in the workplace. At first, there is the friend of the workshop. I have worked for 2 years at a cake shop. There are eight employees without me. One is a part-time worker in that. She is the same age with me. I work happily together.

I can get to know with various people and I take good stimulation from them and live. If I am active positively more, the ring of the friend will spread more.
[288 words]

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