Monday, October 6, 2008

BR 2-6: Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, a king and queen lived in a magical castle. They didn't have a baby. They want a baby.
One day, a bright green frog jumped on queen's lap. And then, the frog told her that she were going to have a baby this year. And what he said was true. She got a lovely baby girl. The baby was named "Rose".

The king hold a feast. Many prince and princess in the land were invited and he asked seven fairies to become Rose's fairy godmothers. The seven fairies said "We have some wishes for Princess Rose". So, first fairy wished that Rose will be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. The second wished that Rose will be clever enough to beat the king at chess. The third fairy wished that Rose will have grace in all she does. The fourth fairy wished that Rose will have grace in all she does. The fourth fairy wished that she will dance to perfection. The fifth fairy wished that she will play every instrument like an angel, and sixth fairy wished that she'll sing like a nightingale. However, icy air swept through the Great Hall before the seventh fairy wished. Nightshade who is the mean fairy appeared. Nightshade angry with king and Queen because they didn't invite her to the feast. So, Nightshade wished that Rose will pluck her finger on a spinning wheel and die on her sixteenth birthday. And then, Nightshade disappeared. The king and the queen were grieve. However they had a little hope because the seventh fairy didn't wish for Rose yet. So, she wished that Rose would prick her finger, but you wouldn't die and she and everyone in this castle would fell into a deep sleep and only a kiss from her true love will break the spell. And then, the years passed and Rose grew like a girl that the fairies had withed. A dance party was held for her because her 16th birthday drew near. And she found a woman spinning a silky thread. A old woman took her hand and Rose fell to the floor.
Everyone in the castle fell a sleep according to the seventh fairy's wish. So, Rose was known as Sleeping Beauty. One day a prince came to the castle and found her. He thought what beautiful girl she was. He kissed her lips, and Rose open her eyes. She fell in love with him.
[417 words]

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